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Product Support Engineer with Foreign languages

Прегледано 454 пъти от 06 Декември 2021. №: 2430939

Who are we? We are Easy Consult – a leading company in the field of tailor-made HR solutions in a wide range of industries. Being on the market for more than 15 years, we aim at helping our clients, candidates and employees and provide them with the best service possible.

We are looking for a new team member to join as a Product Support Specialist with German/French/Italian/Russian/Turkish/Polish/Finnish on behalf of one of our successful clients - a multi-channel customer engagement services provider.

As a Product Support Specialist you will:

• Advise company’s customers about its products and their application.

• Participate in testing and implementation of new upgrades and equipment/administrative/reporting tasks.

• Provide information on the Used Oil Analysis /Signum/ system and similar ones.

• Work with Microsoft Office.

• Contribute to tools development.

• Record the correspondence with company’s customers, distributors, and inter-department personnel.

• Be a part of a big project and learn from professionals.

The perfect candidate has the following skills:

• Fluency in one of the following languages: German/French/Italian/Russian/Turkish/Polish/Finnish - B2/C1 proficiency.

• Good command of English language.

• Experience in L1/L2 Product Support/Technical Helpdesk.

• Customer service proved experience.

• Engineering in Mechanical, Chemical, Petrochemical.

As a company’s employee, you will receive:

• 1 month fully paid training.

• Monthly gross base salary - 3000-3800 BGN depending on the language you speak.

• Monday – Friday working days.

• 100% Home office so you can work from anywhere.

• Opportunity to grow professionally.

• Multisport card.

• Joining a team of qualified professionals.

The company will be able to hire from now till the end of February, 2022.

If this opportunity sounds like the perfect job for you and for your future career, do not hesitate and send us your CV. If you know someone who will be interested in the position, recommend them or share the link.

*All applications will be treated with strict confidentiality. Easy Consult Recruitment and Employment activities are based on a Recruitment license № 2339/ 30.08.2017

Цена: Безплатно

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