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Auteurs Impex An OEM Apparel Manufacturer

Прегледано 412 пъти от 04 Декември 2019. №: 2409922

Auteurs Impex is a specialized high-quality OEM Apparel Manufacturing factory. We have been manufacturing and exporting internationally Custom Street Fashion wears and Custom Sports Uniforms decorated with screen printing, sublimation, heat transfer, appliqués and embroideries since 1997.

Our Fashion and Street Wear Product Rang Includes: Custom Hoodies, Custom Sweatshirts, Custom Joggers & Trousers, Coach Jackets, Track Suits along with Custom Polo Shirts and Custom T-shirts.

Our Custom Team Wear product rang includes: Custom Soccer Uniform, Custom Basketball Uniform, Custom Cycling Uniform, Custom BaseBall/SoftBall Uniform, Custom Compression wear / Fitness Wears, Custom Sports Bra & Legging, Custom Ice Hockey Uniform, Custom Rugby Uniform, Custom Volley Ball Uniform and custom american football uniform.

We have production capacity of making 50000 Garments per month. We have the strength, resource, experience and a capable team, to provide high quality range of products with excellent service and competitive price. We provide both OEM and ODM service. If you wish to see sample of any item of your interest with total customization feel free to ask us. If you need more information feel free to contact us at auteursimpex@gmail.com or you can even WhatsApp me at +92 (0) 321 80 111 13.

Цена: 15.00 лв.

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