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Courses in Bulgarian for Foreigners at INTER ALLIANCE
Professional Training Centre INTER ALLIANCE offers you courses in Bulgarian for foreigners. You can learn Bulgarian from English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Greek, Turkish, Russian, Portuguese, Romanian and Japanese.
You can have an individual training or study in a group at convenient for you time: during the day, in the evenings or at weekends. During the course you will have the opportunity to touch Bulgarian culture and traditions to manage your business more successfully or just to make your life in Bulgaria easier and nicer.The system of training is exclusively adaptive and is made in such a way that it can meet each student’s needs. The language is learned in an oral and a written form. Real situations with dialogues and conversations which develop free communication skills are recreated in the course. We are a language centre with experience of many years and recognized authority in the area of foreign language teaching. Qualified and experienced philologists work at our centre. They work after the newest and the most successful system of teaching the respective language.There is an option for instalment payment. At the end of the course you will be issued a certificate of your command of the language according to the Common Europen Framework of Reference for Languages.Information and registration: the town of Stara Zagora, 96, Tzar Simeon Veliki blvd, entrence B, floor 1 /In the massive block of flats near the business entrance of the Vereya Hotel, opposite the new trade centres/; phone: 042/ 60 53 63; 0895/ 622 470,0878/944-555, e-mail: interalliance_stz@abv.bg, skype: interalliance_stz, http://www.interalliance.bg
Цена: По договаряне
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