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Social Networking solution

Прегледано 872 пъти от 29 Ноември 2018. №: 2397183

Social Networking solution

Artistixe IT Solutions LLP offers a full spectrum of social networking

development apps across platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc

Blogging solution

Another key domain that Artistixe IT Solutions excels in –

blogging/micro-blogging domain where users get to create and maintain their


Online messaging tools

We help users connect with each other as well as with eCommerce business

owners via instant messaging on the web and mobile platform

Surveys and polls

Another very niche domain for social interaction and reaching out is polls.

Artistixe IT Solutions LLP has helped many businesses grow by helping them

reach out to users for valuable feedback

Social solutions

Social media governs the opinions and lifestyles of youngsters and aged

people alike. Artistixe IT Solutions LLP has helped implement successful

social media solutions for many of its clients.

Some of the key salient features that AIS focuses on are:

• Ability to post content on social media and be able to share it

with friends

• Use popular hashtags to reach out to wider audience

• Push notifications

• Events and meet-ups

• Content moderation and data privacy

*Web: www.artistixeit.com *

*Skype: artistixe.it@gmail.com / artistixe.it

Mobile/Whatsapp: +91-9950091308, +91-9414676909*

*------Regards, Tanuj K.Global Marketing Head*

Цена: 100.00 лв.

Телефон: 9950091308

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