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VueJS Laravel Admin Template - Clear

Прегледано 854 пъти от 30 Ноември 2017. №: 2382825

Clear is the one which attracts users by its excellent user interface and this admin template came up with the most trending version2 of VueJS. Its design is impressive and bold which attracts the users to grab and uses it for their applications.

Clear is the most responsive admin template & built with Bootstrap3, HTML5, CSS3. Clear admin template has number of selective plug-in with reusable components which helps you to extend the basic HTML elements to encapsulate the reusable code.

Vue admin template allows the user to direct the structure of the application according to one’s own requirement and is the best suitable admin template for any type of web applications or any custom admin panels.

Bonus : It also comes with Laravel spark skin which is the most latest trending framework in the market.

Clear admin panel built with SASS so that user can choose new colour scheme and it also comes with multiple page layouts. Clear has both light & dark versions which user can choose any of it as they like.


Цена: 25.00 лв.

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