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Design & Build Responsive Business website using Wordpress/PHP development

Прегледано 166 пъти от 06 Април 2017. №: 2368304

I develop all sorts of applications business software, e-commerce websites, web apps, cloud apps,

database systems. Ive worked with many customers worldwide. Worked on

hundreds of projects, from small to large projects and very different types.

I create business websites, and have key skills in creating ultra-fast, complex web/cloud/desktop software

applications with excellent database performance and fast loading.

I handle a large number of technologies and types of applications as shown below:

- Bespoke software: Web applications, custom CRM and ERP software, accounting & business

software, custom CMS systems, custom Websites, Client/Server applications, distributed/cloud applications, desktop and

network tools,

- Databases: MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, NoSQL

- Web technologies used: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ajax, JQuery, XML, REST interfaces

- Mobile apps: Hybrid apps (web-based interactive apps, working on all devices)

- Experienced in large database processing, and speed optimization for scripts and SQL queries (very important skillset

when large databases are involved, with realtime processing and busy environments).

Цена: 1000.00 лв.

Подобни обяви

Грубо строителство
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
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