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Business & Finance Analyst with German

Прегледано 190 пъти от 23 Март 2017. №: 2363511

Easy Consult has stood for quality and innovation on the Bulgarian Human Resources solutions market with uncompromised recognition since 2004. Throughout the years, we have accumulated thorough understanding for a wide range of businesses - from Retail and E-commerce through Production, Services or Transportation and Logistics.

Wollen Sie eine Karriere im Finanzbereich machen und mit den aktuellsten Software-Produkten vertraut werden?


Behind every Good Business results stays a great Analysts… do you think so?

I can assure you that if the answer is “YES”, this is the perfect opportunity for you!

Success depends not only on your personal skills, but also on a highly professional management team sharing values like: dedication, pushing yourself to limits and bravely facing challenges of a fast moving business.

We insist you to become our partner, because …

You are an excellent German speaker who is eager to improve his foreign language skills on a daily basis;

The very good English language skills are only a small part of your enormous talent;

You have acquired University degree in Accounting or Finance or Business Administration, OR experience in this filed;

Of the attention to detail and the good organizational skills you possess

You are quite punctual and precise to worry about deadlines

Working with MS Office seems like a game to you

In return for your dedication, we are going to award you with:

Excellent remuneration package and social benefits

Opportunity to work in a multinational company

The chance to be taught by great successful professionals

Personal development and training

To work in a brand new office, including high technological systems

Key location and excellent working conditions

Will you make an impact with your desire to win?

In order to succeed, you must first believe that you can!

Do the first step just now – Send your CV in English, we are still waiting for YOU!

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