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Две къщи с басейн и прекрасна гледка

Прегледано 285 пъти от 15 Януари 2017. №: 2339592

Имотът се намира в планинското село Стефаново на 23 км от гр. Ловеч и на 75 км от гр. Велико Търново. Състои се от 2 напълно ремонтирани и обзаведени къщи. Основната къща е на 3 етажа с площ от 200 кв.м. На първия етаж има механа. Вторият етаж се състои от спалня, баня с тоалетна и голяма дневна/хол с кухненска част. От нея се излиза на тераса с барбекю и прекрасна гледка. На третия етаж има 3 спални и коридор. Къщата е с нова дограма, изолация, подови настилки от теракота и дърво, както и отоплителна система.
Втората къща се използва като къща за гости и се състои от голяма спалня, кухня, баня с тоалетна и таванско помещение. Дворът е 1997 кв.м и е добре поддържан с много цветни лехи, плодни дръвчета, каменни алеи и басейн.
The property is located in a nice village called Stefanovo, 23 km south of Lovetch and 75 km west of Veliko Tarnovo. The property overlooks Botev Mountain and the Balkan range with a good view of the Shipka monument. The property is located at the end of the village and is nicely secluded yet is only 2 minutes walk from the local shop, bar and post office. There is also a beautiful fishing lake that can be viewed from the house.The offer comprises of two houses set on 1997 sq m plot of land. The main house is 200 sq m and comprises of 3 floors. The ground floor is a mehana style room superbly finished with stone walls and floor and a white plastered ceiling. The first floor comprises of an open plan living, dining and kitchen area with panoramic windows and doors leading to a balcony. The balcony pans the entire width of the house with opportunity to extend it also has a stone barbecue with 2 storage cupboards. The kitchen is separated by a beautiful breakfast bar finished in stone and wood and leads into the dining area. This allows for easy entertaining of guests. The bathroom which has been newly renovated throughout consists of white toilet, bath and shower and basin and has floor to ceiling tiles. The bathroom is finished in blue, silver and white and has heated towel rails. Also on this floor there is a small hallway which leads to a good sized bedroom which could be used as an office if desired. The second floor is accessed via a beautiful wood and iron spiral staircase and comprises a large hallway with floor to ceiling cupboards, 2 double bedrooms and one single bedroom. The master bedroom has fabulous views across the mountains.The house consists of double glazing, insulated walls, terracotta tiles throughout apart from the living area which is wood. The house has brand new wood burning fire which has a water jacket that heats the radiators and provides for hot water. This is wrapped by a marble fireplace in cream all fitted correctly and to the highest of standards.The 2nd house on the property was built as a rental property but was used as a guest house by the current owners. This was the original barn on the property and has been fully restored to a small yet superbly equipped house. This consists of a large double bedroom with stunning views over the pool and garden. The house has a living area with the original beams still in tact and original features. All plastered walls and brand new electrics with breaker box. This leads to a kitchen and bathroom. The kitchen consists of a new fitted kitchen and tiled walls. The bathroom which has floor to ceiling tiles a toilet and shower cubicle and basin. The property also has a large attic space fully lined in wood. The house is fully insulated and has granite window ledges. As you exit the house you are standing on one of the 3 patios on the property. The first wraps around the guest house and has steps leading to the patio around the pool and on the adjacent side leads to a patio which is shaded by a large tree and has stone seating for those lazy summer days. All of the patios are built using the old stone roof slabs from the barn roof this gives the property a slightly rustic and traditional feel whilst still being completely new.The pool is 6m by 5m2 and is a concrete pool built to the highest of standards; it is insulated and has an underground pump room. The pool is finished expertly in glass mosaic tiles, has lights and water jets. The pool gets to a beautiful temperature in the summer. From the pool there is another small patio for a table and chairs and a concrete base ready for a barbecue.The garden is well manicured throughout spring, summer and autumn, it consists of a large lawned area and flower beds with evergreen and settled shrubs. There are also numerous fruit trees on the plot including plum, cherry, apple, apricot and walnut trees, there are also various fruit bushes including blackberry and raspberry.

Цена: 69000.00 лв.

Телефон: 062/60-12-45

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