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Dispatcher - Coordinator(Oфис служител)

Прегледано 185 пъти от 06 Януари 2017. №: 2335953

American-Bulgarian transportation company looking for a Dispatcher (Load Planner, Traffic Coordinator, Sales Representative) for their Bulgarian office located in Yambol and Asenovgrad. Transportation costs from anywhere else will be paid.
Position requires:
- Fluent English
- Strong geographical knowledge of the United States of America
- Strong customer service skills
- Ability to problem solve in an efficient manner
- Effective communication abilities
- Solid work ethic with a positive attitude
- Ability to talk shop with the drivers and ensure overall driver satisfaction
- Ability to build lasting relationships
- A team player who is always willing to help out others and follow retention protocols
- Reliability
- An experience in the trucking business in USA market is an advantage
- Multitasking
- Motivated people for long terms commitment with our growing company
Our company
Company has almost 10 years of experience in the transportation industry
Corporate office for our company is located in Chicago, IL USA
24/7 contact with headquarters managers
Office hours 15:00-00:59 Monday - Friday
We offer salary based on experience and abilities
Send CV and contact details, selected candidates will be contacted to schedule an interview.
Изисквания към кандидата
Езикови познания:
Английски език
Трудов опит:
Предмство, но не е задължителен
Компютърна грамотност

Телефон: 089 891 6116

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